Om Kierkegaard, fortvivlelse og terapi

Philosopher Anders Fogh Jensen’s book, Kierkegaard, How Should I Live my Life? has just been published. He has been invited to speak at the University of Copenhagen by the Forum for Existential Psychology and Therapy.

In his presentation, Anders discusses some of Kierkegaard’s main concepts, such as despair, finiteness, religiosity and aesthetics. He also looks at the relationship between these concepts and work in a therapeutic space.

Anders Fogh Jensen has a Ph.D. in philosophy and is an author, plus he also works with, lecturing, therapy and supervision.  /

Filosoffen Anders Fogh Jensen fortæller i Forum for Eksistentiel Psykologi og Terapi på baggrund af sin bog Hvordan skal jeg leve mit liv, Kierkegaard? om Kierkegaards begreb om fortvivlelse, om Kierkegaards forestillinger om autenticitet og der diskuteres, hvad man stille op med Kierkegaards tanker i terapi.
Subtitled in English.